“Kabiessi Ifagbemi Faseye is a deeply gifted spiritual teacher. His extensive study of multiple systems of ancient traditions and sciences informs his understanding of Ifa through the lens of global perspective. He is a dedicated priest, king, teacher, and leader, working tirelessly to build a community of mutual respect and understanding of our shared values. He is also a powerful soul worker and diviner, whose advice and readings have always been completely accurate and insightful for me. I count myself very blessed to be one of his goddaughters and students.”
— Ifajube Faseye, Gries, Germany
“During my first experience with Ifa, I found myself asleep on the couch for the entire duration of the ritual being performed on behalf of a temple member. Kabiessi said the Ase of the ritual knocked me out. That “Ase” thing – that energy I couldn’t describe – permeated through the Orisa room and whole home, especially that night. Having been old friends reconnecting for the first time after almost ten years, my conversations with Kabiessi about Ifa continued, until one day during conversation he spoke firmly, saying, “Brother, you need to come to Ifa. Your Ancestors are calling for you. Do you not think that our reconnecting after all these years is a coincidence?” In about a month, I was at the Temple making my Isefa. Truly, my Ancestors (Egun) as well as Obatala led me to this place. There is no doubt in my mind that what we have through Ifa, Kabieesi and the Temple is very special and is very real. I have no regrets and would do it all over again. For me, it’s not just being with someone who’s been my family for so long, but it’s having the means to ask questions and get specific answers. It’s about knowing what direction to take and what corrections are needed to become the best versions of ourselves during this short visit to the “marketplace” before we return home to our Ancestors. I’m very happy I looked into it.”
— Oloye Otun Ifamuwagun Faseye, Baba Mero ObaRisa Obatala of America, California State
“Kabiessi and Olori treated us with open arms from minute 1. I truly admired the fact that he’s very straightforward and means business. Although his many titles hold numerous accolades, Kabiessi is still down to Earth. The Ashe in this temple is very strong as it begins from the top and trickles down. Kabiessi is the leader that desires his Iyas and Babas to grow, more in the spiritual connection, and less on the craft. If the spiritual connection is strong with GREAT CHARACTER, then the skills will grow stronger as well. Modupe for your lessons and listening ears. Ase o!”
— Ifawemimo Faseye and Ifafunke Faseye, Florida State
“I have had the privilege of knowing Kabiyesi Ifagbemi Faseye Efunsola for 4 years now, and it that time I have found him to be a priest of very high ethical standards and a deep knowledge of Yoruba Traditional Ifá - Òrìṣà with his 28 trips to various parts of Nigeria and Benin and his multitude of initiations there. What impressed me also was that Oba Faseye really took the time to research, study and learn the tradition and has amassed a deep and effective working knowledge of the principles and practice of Ifá and Òrìṣà. He is both a scholar and daily practitioner of the faith and is always ready and willing to do the work that is necessary. I have had the privilege of consulting with him on many a situation of a client or godchild over the years and I have always received a thoughtful response. I have on many occasions, that required onsite ebos or ceremonies for clients or godchildren in the Florida, referred them to him with wonderful results. I myself participated in 2 initiations at his compound in Florida, including being initiated within his Iledi as an Ogboni member and later Apena. I also received Olóòkun from his Ile and it has manifested many positive changes in my religious life and practice. Oba Faseye has become a brother, a mentor and a dear friend that I trust and have the utmost respect for him, Olori (his wife) and the wonderful religious people he has surrounded himself with. Ifá agbe wa’ooo!”
— Babalawo Jean-Jerome Baudry / Ifalodun AP, Toronto, Canada
“Like many African Americans I had a strong desire to learn about Ifa and African Traditional Religions. Also like many I searched for several years for a Babalawo and Ifa family that was inline with my values of community, peace and power and at the same time was part of the traditional West African lineage. Being a person that values science along side spirituality, I found it difficult to settle down with a Babalawo. Upon meeting Oba Ifagbemi I realized that I found everything that I was looking for in an Ifa family. His experience and knowledge of Ifa is unlike anyone I’ve ever met in person.”
— Babalorisa Orisagbemi Ifatoba Faseye, Florida State
“I have had the wonderful experience of working with Kabiyesi for at least 9 years now. My first reading with Kabiyesi was enlightening and informative. As a spiritual teacher he is very caring and thorough. I have continued my Ifa studies under his tutelage and haven’t been dissatisfied once in all of these years. He is fair and truthful. It is a blessing to have someone so wise about the Ifa spirituality practice right here in America. If you are interested in exploring meaningful spirituality then Kabiyesi is definitely the spiritual advisor to see.”
— Ifasemiloore Ifagbure Faseye, Iyalode, Washington State