Starting in 2010, Oba Ifagbemi began maintaining learning groups with the purpose of promoting and educating a few interested folks about the Ifa and Orisa tradition, a globally significant cultural treasure currently experiencing a renaissance in the modern world.
After a bit of start-and-stop, and a lot of hard work, it evolved from learning groups into a formalized, members-only initiative serving committed and like-minded individuals.
Here is what you can expect with membership.
Discounted rate.
Consultations and products are offered to members at a discounted rate.
Inclusion in regular ebo.
Oba regulary checks in and performs ebo on behalf of the group and the Temple as a whole. Members benefit from this directly (as part of the Temple), and membership dues help support said materials – for the benefit of all.
Learning library.
Our membership area includes member-only articles and information to enrich your own practice and learning.