Hopefully this helps answer your question
About Consultations
You can expect to gain deeper clarity and wisdom to continue walking your life path with greater empowerment and personal insights.
Dafa or Ifa Divination (getting a consultation) may be performed for you in person, long distance either via telephone or FaceTime/Skype type programs, or performed long distance and the information then sent to you via email. It is preferred, though, to be present in person or by phone/video so you may speak your prayers and ask questions while the oracle is open for you.
Generally the reading will take an hour or more, all depending on what the Orisas have to say to the one seated for divination.
Ifa will give a spiritual prescription (ebo) for each sign that falls in a reading, in order to either help correct a challenging situation or to provide you with the spiritual resources and tools needed to continue moving forward. This prescription will be determined via divination at the time of the reading.
It is recommended to always perform the prescribed ebo once a full consultation has been done.
If you are not sure you want to receive a full consult, start with the 5 Yes/No questions session and see if your queries can be settled in this manner.
Ifa will give a spiritual prescription (ebo) for each sign that falls in a reading, in order to either help correct a challenging situation or to provide you with the spiritual resources and tools needed to continue moving forward. This prescription will be determined via divination at the time of the reading.
It is recommended to always perform the prescribed ebo once a full consultation has been done.
If you are not sure you want to receive a full consult, start with the 5 Yes/No questions session and see if your queries can be settled in this manner.
No! In fact, Ifa does not seek converts.
Ifa is kept alive by those born into the tradition or called into it later on in their lives. Ifa is about the betterment of humanity without judgment for any religion or culture. Ifa recognizes the importance of many world traditions, because even though we are one people living on one Earth and from one source, we are not all living the same life.
Our approach towards Ifa is to provide you with the tools necessary in order to move forward, and in alignment with your chosen destiny. A consultation will simply help you understand what is going on in order to guide you on the best way to proceed, with the best possible outcome.
Ifa & Orisa
Ifa is the name of the religion and the Oracle. Ifa is the cultural treasure of the Yoruba people of Nigeria. The synthesis of Ifa and Catholicism came to the U.S. through the Caribbean as Lucumi Ifa and Santeria. Meanwhile it has kept its original roots in Nigeria to this day. The name it is known as in Nigeria as well is Isese L’Agba”. The Traditional Yoruba practice has a few basic understandings:
• There is but One Supreme God, or Universal Intelligence
• Except for the day you are born and the day you are supposed die, there is not a single event in one’s life that cannot be forecast and, if necessary, changed
• Your spirit lives on after death and can reincarnate through blood relatives
• You are born with a specific path
• Divination serves as a road map to your path
• Our Ancestors exist and must be honored, venerated and consulted
• Orisa, or forces of nature, live within us and deal with the affairs of men
• You must never harm another human being, or the universe, which you are a part of
• Spiritual, emotional, physical and mental realms of our existence must all work together and be balanced
The lineages and families of Ifa and Orisa are many… Just in Nigeria there are over 500 dialects, with many different groups having their own practice either known under this name or as another, yet centered around identical teaching. Location, diet, language differences etc will bring about varieties and expressions of practice.
The word Babalawo translates as the father of mysteries, and as such, is well-versed in most or all aspects of the religion and culture, from prayers to ceremony, history and stories and everything in between. A Babalawo is a high priest within the tradition, with many other sub-titles to be earned and given over time within the priesthood. Learning the practice of Ifa is a lifelong endeavor for all involved. The Babalawo sheds light on things that are unseen and works with the forces of nature (Orisa) to right them again.
Ifa teaches us in Idi Meji that diversity is the hallmark of God’s creation. Which means Ifa, while Yoruba in source of origin, belongs to humanity as a whole.
Odidi kirimukirimu
Awo of Ori
Cast Ifa for Ori
When Ori was living in isolation
He was asked to offer sacrifice
He complied
Eyes came, eyes came to stay with Ori
Kerekere, my Ori will no longer be in isolation
Ear came, ear came to stay with Ori
Kerekere, my Ori will no longer be in isolation
Nose came, nose came to stay with Ori
Kerekere, my Ori will not longer be in isolation
Mouth came, mouth came to stay with Ori
Kerekere, my Ori will not longer be in isolation
The Orisa are commonly held as spiritually elevated ancestors-turned-divinities, that support a person’s destiny or Ori. Ifa teaches that all individuals are born with particular spirits or guardians, what we call Orisa, that form a covenant with us in this lifetime to assist us with fulfilling our life’s spiritual contracts.
The Orisas, from the perspective of Ifa teaching, are divinities who were once human, and who due to their contribution and selfless service, were eulogized and remembered for generations. Later, they became elevated to their status as deities who assist humans as part of their continued service.